Access Statement

Access Statement


We deal with enquiries by phone and by e-mail.

We are located in the town of Wellington, Shropshire.

The nearest bus stop is Wellington Bus Station.

The nearest train station is 2 minute walk.


Arrival and Car Parking Facilities

We do not have a car park of our own, but there are many sited within the town.

Disabled on street parking is available opposite our building.


Main Entrance

There is level access at the front door.

The doorway measures 85cms.

The door opens on to a gentle slope with handrails either side. The width is 150cms.

The entrance is well lit.

There is level access from the entrance to the cinema, servery and toilets.

Staff and volunteers will be pleased to assist disabled visitors as may be necessary.


Public Areas – General

A hearing loop system is in use in the cinema.

The cinema corridor (entry) measures 108-122 cms.

Guide and assistance dogs are welcome – no non-working dogs please.

We can remove x 4 cinema seats to accommodate x 2 wheelchairs.

Café tables and chairs can be removed to accommodate wheelchair users.

A level corridor takes you to the toilets. This measures 72cms – 89cms at the widest point.

The disabled toilet is a unisex facility.

The disabled toilet doorway measures 87cms.

An emergency alarm is provided in the disabled toilet.

The disabled toilet door opens outward.

All taps are easy to use and do not require an ability to grip.

A low level mirror is provided.


Should you require any further information, please don’t hesitate contacting us at Wellington Orbit on 01952 743377.